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View of the southwest, to the right, fever sheds along the near shore, are seen from Mount Royal in 1852 in this lithograph by Endicott & Co., Rare Books and Special Collections, McGill University, 1852
Vue du sud-ouest ; à droite, les hangars à fièvre le long de la rive sont vues du mont Royal en 1852 dans cette lithographie d’Endicott & Co., Rare Books and Special Collections, McGill University, 1852
Stone commemorating 6000 immigrant deaths, Point St. Charles, QC, 1898, Alfred Walter Roper, Gelatin silver process, MP-1977.76.64, McCord Museum, 1898
Pierre commémorant la mort de 6000 immigrants, Pointe-Saint-Charles, Qué., 1898, Alfred Walter Roper, gélatine argentique, MP-1977.76.64, Musée McCord, 1898
Bishops New of the City of Montreal Map, Completed by A.Q Simpson Arch. P.L.S Draughtsman Lithographed and Published by GEO. Bishop, 1867
Bishops New of the City of Montreal, carte réalisée par A.Q Simpson Arch. Dessinateur P.L.S, lithographié et publié par GEO. Bishop, 1867
Postcard, Grand Trunk Elevator, Windmill Point, source unknown, circa the 1800s
Carte postale, Grand Trunk Elevator, Windmill Point, source inconnue, v. années 1800
William Notman, Albumen Print, Construction buildings from the top of the bridge, Victoria Bridge, Montreal, QC, 1858-59, McCord Museum, N-0000.392.2.21, 1859
William Notman, épreuve à l’albumine, bâtiments de construction vus du sommet du pont, pont Victoria, Montréal, Qué., 1858-1859, Musée McCord, N-0000.392.2.21, 1859
Detail of Bishops New of the City of Montreal Map, Completed by A.Q Simpson Arch. P.L.S Draughtsman Lithographed and Published by GEO. Bishop, 1867
Détail du plan Bishops New of the City of Montreal, carte réalisée par A.Q Simpson Arch. Dessinateur P.L.S, lithographié et publié par GEO. Bishop, 1867
Detail of Plunkett Map of Goose Village, Victoriatown, Montreal, 1872, sourced from: https://walkmontreal.com/walks/victoriatown-a-k-a-goose-village/ -1872
Détail de la carte Plunkett de Village-aux-Oies, Victoriatown, Montréal, 1872, source : https://walkmontreal.com/walks/victoriatown-a-k-a-goose-village/-1872
“Bicycle Craze, Wheeling in the Point,” The Montreal Gazette, Tuesday, July 6th, 1897
« Bicycle Craze, Wheeling in the Point », The Montreal Gazette, le mardi 6 juillet 1897
Detail of Plunkett & Brady Map of Goose Village, Victoriatown, Montreal, 1872, source: Hydro Québec, 1872
Détail de la carte Plunkett & Brady de Village-aux-Oies, Victoriatown, Montréal, 1872, source : Hydro Québec, 1872
Map of the Goose Village, 1853, No.110, by Josh Ostell, Architect of McGill and St. Ann’s Church, Paul Labonté Family Archive, 1853
Carte du Village-aux-Oies, 1853, No110, par Josh Ostell, architecte de McGill et de l’église St. Ann, Archives de la famille Paul Labonté, 1853
“The Old Windmill and Morgue on Windmill Point,” Canadian Illustrated News, Montreal Saturday, July 19, 1879, Vol XX.-No.3, 1879
« The Old Windmill and Morgue on Windmill Point », Canadian Illustrated News, Montréal, le samedi 19 juillet 1879, vol. XX.-No 3, 1879
Chromolithograph, “Construction of the Great Victoria Bridge in Canada,” Title page, Victoria Bridge, Engineer’s Report, 1859-60, John Thomas, Kell Bros. Printing, Publisher, John Weale, 1860, M15934.2, gift of David Ross, McCord Museum, 1860
Chromolithographie, « Construction of the Great Victoria Bridge in Canada », page titre, Victoria Bridge, Engineer’s Report, 1859-60, John Thomas, Kell Bros. Printing, Publisher, John Weale, 1860, M15934.2, don de David Ross, Musée McCord, 1860
Bishops New of the City of Montreal, Map Completed by A.Q Simpson Arch. P.L.S Draughtsman Lithographed and Published by GEO. Bishop, 1867
Bishops New of the City of Montreal, carte réalisée par A.Q Simpson Arch. Dessinateur P.L.S, lithographié et publié par GEO. Bishop, 1867
“Two Horrible Fatalities at Pointe St. Charles,” The Montreal Gazette, Tuesday, September 13, 1892
« Two Horrible Fatalities at Pointe St. Charles », The Montreal Gazette, le mardi 13 septembre 1892
Wooden huts were built along the St. Lawrence River to care for the thousands of sick people. J. Duncan, Montréal Archives, https://rem.info/en/news/archaeological-discoveries, 1853
Des cabanes en bois sont construites le long du fleuve Saint-Laurent pour soigner les milliers de malades. J. Duncan, Archives de Montréal, https://rem.info/en/news/archaeological-discoveries, 1853
Map sourced from Hydro-Québec, Archives Ministère des Colonies, 1853
Carte provenant d’Hydro-Québec, Archives Ministère des Colonies, 1853
Marisa Portolese, The Black Rock, c-print, variable dimensions, 2019
Marisa Portolese, The Black Rock, épreuve chromogène, dimension variable, 2019
Saint Alphonse School, Congrégation de Notre-Dame Archives
https://archivesvirtuelles-cnd.org/en/school-album/ecole-saint-alphonse, 1891
École Saint Alphonse, Archives Congrégation de Notre-Dame
https://archivesvirtuelles-cnd.org/en/school-album/ecole-saint-alphonse, 1891
The Black Rock memorial marking the graves of typhus victims was lowered into place in 1859, William Notman, Wm. Notman & Son (1882-1919), gelatin silver process, McCord Museum View-7575.0, 1859
Le mémorial de Black Rock marquant les tombes des victimes du typhus est mis en place en 1859, William Notman, Wm. Notman & Son (1882-1919), gélatine argentique, Musée McCord Afficher-7575.0, 1859
Charles E. Goad, Civil Engineer, Atlas of the City of Montreal from a special survey and official plans showing all the buildings’ names, British Library and Bibliothèque et Archives Nationales du Québec, Québec (BANQ), also sourced by Hydro Québec, 1855
Charles E. Goad, ingénieur civil, Atlas de la ville de Montréal à partir d’une enquête spéciale et des plans officiels montrant tous les noms des bâtiments, British Library et Bibliothèque et Archives Nationales du Québec, Québec (BANQ), également obtenu par Hydro Québec, 1855
Riverside Pumping Station/Station de pompage Riverside, 1888, Ville de Montréal, Gestion de documents et archives, XCD00.V759.1, 1888
Wood engraving, by artist Vilo, publisher John Lovell (1810-1893), 1887, Gift of David Ross, McCord Museum, M932.8.1.270, 1887
Gravure sur bois, par l’artiste Vilo, éditeur John Lovell (1810-1893), 1887, don de David Ross, Musée McCord, M932.8.1.270, 1887
Stone in St. Etienne’s Cemetery, The Irish Stone, Baine News Service, 1859
Pierre du cimetière Saint-Étienne, The Irish Stone, Baine News Service, 1859
Detail of Plate 28, of the Montreal Atlas, Volume 1, copyright Canada, 1881 Charles E. Goad Co., Rare Books and Special Collections, McGill University, British Library, 1881
Détail de la planche 28, de l’Atlas de Montréal, volume 1, copyright Canada, 1881 Charles E. Goad Co., Rare Books and Special Collections, McGill University
“Stagnant Water,” The Montreal Star, Friday, August 16, 1889
« Stagnant Water », The Montreal Star, le vendredi 16 août 1889
Laying the monumental stone marking the graves of 6000 immigrants, Victoria Bridge, Montreal, Qc, 1859, William Notman (1826-1891), albumen process, McCord Museum, N-0000.193.138.1, gift of James Geoffrey Notman, 1859
Pose de la pierre monumentale marquant les tombes de 6000 immigrants, pont Victoria, Montréal, Qué., 1859, William Notman (1826-1891), épreuve à l’albumine, Musée McCord, N-0000.193.138.1, don de James Geoffrey Notman, 1859
Charles E. Goad, Civil Engineer, Atlas of the City of Montreal from a special survey and official plans showing all the buildings’ names, British Library and Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, Québec (BAnQ), also sourced by Hydro-Québec, 1890
Charles E. Goad, ingénieur civil, Atlas de la ville de Montréal à partir d’une enquête spéciale et des plans officiels montrant tous les noms des bâtiments, British Library et Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, Québec (BAnQ), également obtenu par Hydro-Québec, 1890
The men who constructed the Victoria bridge, 1897-1899, Rare Books and Special Collections, McGill University Library, 1899
Les hommes qui ont construit le pont Victoria, 1897-1899, Rare Books and Special Collections, McGill University Library, 1899
“Goose Village to Go,” The Montreal Gazette, Saturday, August 13, 1887
« Goose Village to Go », The Montreal Gazette, lesamedi 12 août, 1887